How to Remove the First Character From String in JavaScript

How to Remove the First Character From String in JavaScript ?

In this tutorial, we will learn about remove the first character from a string in JavaScript. In JavaScript, removing the first character involves eliminating the initial character to obtain a new string without the first character. This operation is commonly needed when manipulating strings in various programming tasks.

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Remove the First Character from the String in JavaScript

We can remove the first character from a string in JavaScript using various methods. Here are a few approaches:

  • Using substring()
  • Using slice()
  • Using substr()
  • Using Regular Expression

By using substring() method

The substring() method in JavaScript is used to extract a portion of a string, starting from a specified index and extending up to the end of the string or another specified index. To remove the first character from a string using substring(), we need to specify the starting index as 1, which effectively excludes the first character from the resulting substring.


  • string: The original string from which the substring will be extracted.
  • start: The index from which the extraction should begin. The character at this index will not be included in the resulting substring.


// Example of removing the first character from a string using substring()
function removeFirstCharacter(str) {
  return str.substring(1);

const originalString = "Developerhelps";
const modifiedString = removeFirstCharacter(originalString);



By using slice() method

The slice() method in JavaScript can be used to remove the first character from a string by extracting a portion of the original string starting from a specified index and returning the resulting substring.


const modifiedString = originalString.slice(startIndex);
  • originalString is the string from which you want to remove the first character.
  • startIndex is the index from which the extraction should begin. If the startIndex is not provided, the slice() method starts from index 0 (the first character).


// Using slice() method to remove the first character from a string
const originalString = "Developerhelps";
const modifiedString = originalString.slice(1);




By using substr() method

The substr() method in JavaScript is used to extract a portion of a string, starting from a specified position (index), and returning the desired number of characters. To remove the first character from a string, we can utilize the substr() method by specifying an index of 1, which effectively skips the first character and gives us the rest of the string.


string.substr(startIndex, length)
  • startIndex: The index (zero-based) from which the extraction should begin. To remove the first character, set it to 1.
  • length: Optional. The number of characters to extract from the original string. If not specified, substr() will extract all characters from the starting index to the end of the string.


// Example of removing the first character from a string using substr()
function removeFirstCharacter(str) {
  return str.substr(1);

const originalString = "Developerhelps";
const modifiedString = removeFirstCharacter(originalString);



By using Regular Expression

The regular expression is a pattern used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are defined between two forward slashes (/…/), and they can be used with the replace() method to modify strings based on matching patterns. Regular expressions provide powerful pattern-matching capabilities, and in this case, we can create a pattern that matches the first character and replace it with an empty string.


function removeFirstCharacter(str) {
  return str.replace(/^./, '');
  • The replace() method is called on the input string (str) and takes two arguments.
  • The first argument is the regular expression pattern ^.. The ^ represents the beginning of the string, and . matches any character.
  • As a result, the regular expression ^. matches the first character of the string.
  • The second argument is an empty string '', which effectively removes the matched first character.
  • The replace() method replaces the first character that matches the pattern with an empty string, effectively removing it from the string.


const originalString = "Developerhelps";
const modifiedString = removeFirstCharacter(originalString);

