core java online quiz for beginners

Core Java Online Quiz

core java online quiz for beginners

Test your coding prowess in our Ultimate Programming Core Java Online Quiz with Total 8 Questions.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just dipping your toes into the programming world, challenge yourself with a range of questions spanning languages like Python, Java, and more.

Are you ready to conquer the coding conundrums? Put on your thinking hat and dive into the quiz now!

1.) What is the correct method used to insert and delete items from the queue?

2.) What is not the Part of OOp's Concepts?

3.) What is the right syntax for JAVA main method?

4.) Which of the following option leads to the security of Java?

5.) Which of the following term is true about String?

Which of the below is a valid way to instantiate an array in java?

7.) Which package contains the Random class?

8.) Which Class Extends by default in JAVA?

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